December 28th, 2021 - Release Notes

We've been working hard during the holidays to release some Web Portal improvements to you.


Now your categories will be displayed using a tree format, making it much easier for you to rearrange them.

Hovering over the 3 dots will display the actions available for that category, such as Edit and Delete. You can also choose to expand or collapse all categories at once.

The "Create Category" screen also got a new look:

You can see a preview of the images you are uploading in real time and exactly where each image belong to in the user facing application.


We fixed a bug that was appearing sometimes when we edited a live stream, enabling or disabling presence. But it's all good now.

We also took this opportunity to improve the Edit Livestream screen, so after you create a livestream and check its details, all the information displayed there is correct and accurate. It doesn't matter if you chose RTMP, mp4, etc.

August 17th, 2021 - Release Notes

Web App

Now the buttons in the billboard have the ability to display the icon you selected from the web portal (if you selected one). 

The playlist in the desktop version got a new modern look:

In the Profile screen, we added 2 new fields - CPF (Brazilian Identification number) and Phone Number. Both fields are optional, however once you add a CPF, the field is no longer editable. 

The phone number field has a flag that identifies the country the user is at and the phone number format (mask) updates accordingly.


We have made a change to the coupons rules. Now you have the ability to combine 2 rules together. For example:

- Coupon code FANHERO offers a 50% discount.

- Coupon code FANHERO1 offers a $2 discount.

- Coupon code FANHERO2 offers a 1 month free trial.

- Coupon code FANHEROALL offer a 50% discount and a 1 month free trial (2 rules combined).

Keep in mind that a percentage discount and a value discount cannot be combined together.

Note: The above coupons do not exist. They were added as an example only.

Web Portal

General UI improvements and bug fixes.


Template layout enhancement and we fixed a bug related to the host user.

July 29th, 2021 - Release Notes

Buckle up your seatbelt - this is a big platform release!

Web App

In order to improve user experience and to make the web application look more modern, we replaced the loading spinner with the skeleton loader (maybe we should have waited until Halloween?! 🎃 ).

We noticed that some users were so excited to have access to your platform that they were mistyping their own email address, leading to several support tickets for you. The first part of the solution is available now, where we are requesting users to confirm their email address - and, no cheating! Copying and pasting is not allowed!

In the livestream chat, we added the character count (max of 250 characters) as well as the ability to hide chat (for those users that don't want to socialize with others, we get it).

Push notifications are now available in the web app. Users will see a pop-up asking if they want to enable push notifications. This can be changed at any time in Settings.

There are changes in the profile too. We added two extra fields - CPF (Brazilian Tax ID) and Phone Number. Both fields are optional.

In the checkout screen, you will see a new field - coupon!

Last but not least, ads! All web applications are ready to display ads. Please reach out to your Customer Success Specialist to discuss premium spots, programmatic, etc.


The new UI looks amazing - lighter background, new font, improved graphs! 

And the best part? This version is 100% mobile responsive. You will be able to manage your content and users from your phone.

In the Analytics section, we changed the way the duration and likes are shown - it's easier to understand now.

For Live Events, you have the ability to show/hide presence... on the fly! This means that during the live stream, if you decide that you no longer want to display the number of viewers, you can just turn it off. And if you change your mind later, no problem. Just switch it back again. The same is true for chat and reactions. The toggles can be enabled and disabled before and during the live stream. Obs.: toggles are disabled by default.

Since we are talking about Live Events - there are 2 other features available! First: Now you have the ability to edit past streams - more information can be found here. Second: you can download past streams. Choose the stream you want to download and click the Download option. A new tab will be displayed and you will be able to download the video from there.

Do you know how you have the ability to see the upload progress in the Media Center? Now you can see it anywhere media is uploaded, like posts, categories, live streams.

Once the media is uploaded and transcoded (if necessary), then the content will be created. Remember: Do not leave the page while the upload is in progress.

Want to see the engagement of a specific post? Now you can. Just click to edit any published post and you will have access to the number of reactions, messages (comments + replies), and views.

In the Users section, we added a new feature so you can filter the list by type of user - All, Administrators, Users or Guest.

The next two new features will be very handy for you. 

1. Menu Configuration: you have the power to create and edit your channel menu. 

Reordering is still not available in this version but don't worry, it is already part of our roadmap.

For more information on how the Menu Configuration works, please visit our Public Documentation page.

2. Channel Settings: you have the ability to edit channel information, such as Channel Title and images (banner, thumbnail and logo). Use this feature with caution because the information is updated right away!

We saved the best for last! STUDIO - our new solution that enables you to live stream to multiple channels including YouTube, Twitch, Custom RTMP, and of course your FanHero Channel while enabling Hosts to invite people and participate in split-screen sessions of up to 6 people and to have that Live Event broadcasted. 

Documentation can be found here.

May 11th, 2021 - Release Notes

Improvements & Announcements

Web App (v.2.3.0)

Now users will be able to filter their favorite content type in the Feed - Audio posts, Video posts, Photo posts, Blog posts, or the standard view - Most recent posts.


Every time there is a new release in our platform, you will be notified. There is a rocket icon at the bottom of the page. If you see a badge there, then it means that something was updated in our platform.

We are also introducing the ability to send Push Notifications (note: the first iteration includes push notification to "mobile apps" only).

When you create a new post, "Send push notification?" will be enabled by default. This means that if you don't make any changes, all mobile app users will be notified.

Notification title and Description are optional fields: if you leave both empty, we will use the title and description of the post. If you want to add a title or description other than the ones in the post, just add them there in those fields and that is what your users will receive.

You can also send Push Notifications that are not connected to posts - like an announcement. In this case, you can choose "Push Notifications" in the menu and add the push notification content there.

Commerce section is available. You can see the Total Revenue generated in each channel (note: it does not include Global products).

Customers - it provides a list of customers that purchase a product. When you click on a specific customer, you can see data like email, avatar, orders and payments associated to that user.

Products - this is where you can create new products (pay-per-view, purchase, recurring and rental). Once you create a new product, you must add a pricing plan to it. If you choose All or Mobile platform, then you must choose a price from the pre-defined tier. If you choose Web, then you can choose any price you want.

Orders - it lists all orders in that channel.

Payments - a list of all payments in the channel.

Last, but not least, you are able to search for live events (live, upcoming and finished) in the Live Events section of the portal.

Mobile App

Each organization will be able to choose whether or not they want to display the title in the thumbnail. This is applicable for:

- Home tab: live stream, posts and collections cards.

- Live stream tab: live and upcoming cards.

If you choose to hide the title, then an icon (i) will be displayed at the top, allowing users to easily tap on it and know what that card is about.

Note: This requires a new version of the app. Please reach out to our team to discuss about this upgrade.

Bug Fixes

Web App

Sometimes, a few channels had their own will, making some carousel sections disappear. Yikes! This issue has been fixed now and all channels are under control.


The collapsible menu was closing after choosing an option. We know, it was annoying!

May 6th, 2021 - Release Notes


Web App

The checkout screen has a new design and new error messages have been added to help your users complete the process. If a user already has a card used previously, the checkout flow is even easier.

Bug Fixes

Web App

That pesky bug that was compromising the user experience in some browsers when trying to scroll the screen has been squished. 

Plus, if you have a multi channel organization, it will be much easier to select the channel from the dropdown menu and we can assure you that there will be no cross-content between your different channels.

Last, but not least - that weird font that was being displayed in the navigation bar in some browsers has been fixed to show what our designers wanted - Roboto!


With the previous update, a bug slipped through the cracks but it has been already eliminated by our team! Now, you can edit any images in the Home Configuration without any issues. And all content will be there too to be linked (posts, collections and live events) to your billboard.

May 2nd, 2021 - Release Notes

New Features

Web App

New navigation bar design

Single channel apps: the organization logo will be displayed in the left and the channel icon will not be displayed.

Multi channel apps: the organization logo will be displayed in the left along with the channel icon. Clicking on it opens a list of channels.

New navigation bar responsiveness

The navigation bar accommodates tabs depending on the size of your screen. Tabs that don't fit your screen size will be available in the left menu.

New search bar

Search bar opens when you click on the icon.

Responses are now enabled!

Users can start threaded comments by using the new Reply feature.


Media Center improvements

We heard you and now the upload is faster! You have also the ability to see the percentage of the upload progress:

Add Live Events to Collections

You can assign a live event to a single collection:

Other improvements

Analytics general improvements.